For most of us, having access to water is as easy as turning on a faucet and filling up a cup. Most of us are also used to using water a lot in our daily lives. However, we often forget that clean water is a precious resource we can't afford to waste not just in our municipalities but in our homes as well.
- Most water on the planet is undrinkable
- Major draught has swept across the continent in the last decade that has been devastating to crops throughout the country.
- Water is a utility that, when not conserved, causes higher expenses to individuals paying bills.
Conserving water's not just the environmentally responsible thing to do; it's the best thing to do for the home as well.
When Using The Bathroom:
1. Don't Flush Excess Water Down The Drain
While switching to a water-efficient toilet with two flush settings might be unrealistic for most homeowners, regular toilets waste several gallons of water a week.
2. Spread The Love
The shower is one of the biggest places we waste water. Who doesn't spend time waiting for it to hit that perfect temperature and stand there longer than necessary belting out our favorite tunes? Don't just let the water run, but save it in a pail to water your garden or when mopping the floors.
For those who really wish to save water, minimize your waste by only turning the showerhead on to rinse.
Keep The Kitchen Efficient:
3. Wash Your Dishes The Old-Fashioned Way
Think of your kitchen faucet like your showerhead: you're mainly wasting it if you keep it going while scrubbing dishes or wiping them down!
4. Feed Your Garden...
You save water and food when you bypass the garbage disposal and compost your leftovers instead. This will turn into delicious plant food in the future.
5. ...And Water It!
Whenever you use water to boil food in the kitchen, keep it in a separate container to water your flowers with.
6. Save Yourself Time And Money In The Washing Machine
Don't put in a few shirts and jeans in the wash at a time, but instead try to load the washing machine to a safe capacity. This will ease your electricity and water bill in one go, and will also make laundry go that much faster!
Reform A Greedy Garden:
7. Lose The Hose
The hose is a quick way to get a lot of water when you need it, but a watering can or narrow spout may actually help plants more. Water is not only conserved, but is easier to control and can target dry patches more efficiently.
8. Look For Easygoing Plants
Some plants require a lot of care and attention, especially when they've evolved naturally for a different environment than the one you live in. This means that you spend a lot of time and water trying to help these plants thrive. Look for plants that don't require a lot of maintenance to survive, such as species of grass and flowers that can easily adapt to the environment in your backyard.
9. Let It Rain
If you use a lot of tap water, consider placing a container outside to catch some rain when it falls. To keep the water from being contaminated or attracting unwanted pests, keep an airtight lid over it when it's not raining.